

This is October´s product of the month. Here are some key points: 1. Appearance and Flavor: Pomegranates are typically round or slightly oval in shape, about the size of an apple. The outer skin is thick and leathery, usually red or yellow, depending on the variety....

The grape harvest and togetherness day at the farm

A journey through the grape harvest experience on a regenerative organic farm, Quinta Vale da Lama Video: The grape harvest symphony On 24 August 2023, the sun rose over Quinta Vale da Lama, heralding a day of sharing and conviviality with the sweet aroma of ripe...
The story we live in our relationship with Nature

The story we live in our relationship with Nature

Beyond the individual narratives or stories we tell ourselves, we are all also part of larger collective stories that shape the behavior of our species. Bravura dam, Odiáxere – Portugal In our present era, ecological collapse stands as a paramount obstacle....
The beauty of spring

The beauty of spring

The spring that feels more like a summer (no rain 😞) is passing. Since the beginning of April we have been delighted with the beauty of the flowers and weeds. Its a season that brings with it the beauty and vibrancy of nature. It is a time when flowers bloom and weeds...
Liberdade, Laranjeiras e Convívio

Liberdade, Laranjeiras e Convívio

25 de Abril – Liberdade para apanhar ar puro, tomar conta das laranjeiras e conviver. Um dia de celebração da natureza com família e amigos.  Um dia de dádiva às nossas laranjeiras que nos têm dado tantos frutos ao longo destes anos.  Arvores antigas plantadas...
What makes Q. Vale da Lama unique?

What makes Q. Vale da Lama unique?

The question comes up when they try to understand what makes a project like this stand out? This project is in constant metamorphosis: as there are always new ideas to sow, projects growing and fruits of their labor to harvest and trandform into something posotive for...
A Co-Created Landscape Design

A Co-Created Landscape Design

To begin the design process for the North-Slope of the rain-fed part of the farm, an area that wishes to become an innovated Agro-silvo-pastoral system (Pomar Misto de Sequeiro) that proves truly regenerative within the Mediterranean drylands, a co-design moment with...
Let’s plant trees together!

Let’s plant trees together!

If this looks like pastoral bliss to you -as it does to me (the reason why I live here now :-)- then perhaps you are equally upset by the wildfires in Central Portugal this summer, and feeling like we must get together and do something about this! That feeling is...
Visiting the Farm: How and When

Visiting the Farm: How and When

Quinta do Vale da Lama has different action focus related to different zones of the land. There is the Educational part, energized by PND – Projecto Novas Descobertas, with its place at Campo do Vale, and the Agrotourism, based on Casa Vale da Lama – EcoResort. Other...
Hortas do Vale gain a new life in Spring!

Hortas do Vale gain a new life in Spring!

The Hortas do Vale (Vale’s Gardens) also gain new life in Spring! Since Matia has gone back to Italy As Hortas do Vale também ganham mais vida na Primavera! Após a partida do Matia de volta a Itália, e algum tempo de Inverno para planear a produção, voltamos à...
Quinta Vale da Lama’s Sheep

Quinta Vale da Lama’s Sheep

The sheep of Quinta Vale da Lama have a new house next to Casa Vale da Lama. Although they continue to assist us in the process of soil regeneration and grazing takes place in several areas of the farm, the sheep return to their home whenever the pastures are drier...
Pruning at the Olive Groove

Pruning at the Olive Groove

This year we had the privilege to have with us a great master of trees, Peter Zin, taking care of the olive trees in the northwest part of the farm. The olive grove was already beautiful for the majestic of the old trees, and it turned even more beautiful, now more...

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