Quinta do Vale da Lama has different action focus related to different zones of the land. There is the Educational part, energized by PND – Projecto Novas Descobertas, with its place at Campo do Vale, and the Agrotourism, based on Casa Vale da Lama – EcoResort. Other centers dedicated to agricultural activities and administrative and residential functions are being recovered and developed step by step.
In terms of buildings and support infrastructures on sewage and energy, strategies on soil regeneration and rain water use, and several ways of food production and natural resources management, there are several points of interest that are worth to know and learn about.
Weekly, we have organized a guided farm tour and in our seasonal open days as well, where the visitor is accompanied by a collaborator of the project and walking along a track and talking about the several systems. Apart of that, our wish is to invite people that visit us or stays at the farm for some days, to explore and enjoy different places of the land and get to know these points of interest by themselves, and for that we have a map and more recently we started to put signage on specific points the inform people directions they can take and specific places to visit.
We wish our farm is more and more alive and you are welcome to come any time!